Motorola V3m Razr With iSync


Hey I have been trying to find a solution to getting my Motorola V3m Razr to sync with my Power Mac G5 with Leopard 10.5.1. I have read many tutorials on how to do this via bluetooth but unfortunately my computer is not bluetooth compatible. I have a USB cable that goes from my phone to the computer (same as digital camera) and when I plug it in to the phone and the computer the phone gives me that Message "Data Cable Connected". But nothing shows up on my computer. If I go into system profiler I do see the following under USB: "Motorola L7c/K1m/V3m" but I have no way of accessing it to my knowledge. Can some one help me out?
ohh, not sure if that is gonna work out for you? my Mac wasn't bluetooth ready either, but I just went out and bought a USB adapter for like $20 and was able to sync up my RAZR just fine. it is just such a useful piece of equipment and I would highly recommend going that route.