moving data to a new iMac

James Bond

Is there a definitive list of files/folders that you should and should NOT copy when you move to a new iMac?

What is the best way to do the copying?
I'm assuming that you're moving from OS X to OS X. This is just some thoughts, I'm no expert on this. I dread the thought of moving to a new computer, my system has so much extra stuff installed.

Best way to do the copying is almost certainly with an ethernet crossover cable and Appletalk sharing. The other way I could think of would be to put both HDs in one computer or the other, and use a direct disk-to-disk copy. The HDs are tricky to get out of an iMac though, and if you're moving from another, then you'd have no computer that holds two HDs.

Generally, if you just copy the stuff in /Users, you'll have everthing relating to individuals, including preferences. /Applications, obvously, has your apps. There I would advise selectively copying to avoid replacing things preinstalled by Apple - A few of them might not survive the move. /Library/Application Support might have some plugins and such, depending on the programs you've got.

If you've installed UNIX programs, that stuff could be just about anywhere, and that's the nightmare that will face me when my trusty computer gets replaced...