Moving Entourage X mail & prefs to new iMac???


B.A. Economics (Hon)
Hi all,

I'm writing this to you from my brand-spanking-new iMac 700MHz :)

So far all my installations have gone perfectly--with one exception. I need to move the Entourage X mail, address books, and recent addressees (the 'autocomplete' ones that pop up from recent emails you've received or sent). BUT I have no idea where the prefs or mail DBs ae stored, and i haven't found any MAIL EXPORT command, or anything like that--just contact exports.

Since I'm selling my new on one tuesday--I'd kinda like to move my mail soon. Any and all help appreciated, thanks!
Sorry, I wasn't looking in the right places in the MS help docs, it actually says in the online help--which I guess is why nobody replied hehe.

For reference purposes: it's stored in /User/<name>/Documents/Microsoft User Data/

I had my old iMac mounted as a FW disk, and Entourage instantly picked the old folder and used that--which caused some problems, but I copied it locally and unmounted the disk and it's working great.

Newbies: learn from my mistakes, read the help docs thoroughly :P