moving from jaguar to clean panther install


Ok, I just got a new hard drive and did a clean install of panther on it. However I left my old hard drive in there as well, now I have jaguar and all my apps (and absolutely everything else) on my one drive and a fresh panther on the other.

My question is, whats the best way to go about setting this up?
What do you mean? Can you give some more details about your system setup?

You can simply use the applications from your other hard drive, you don't have to transfer them to the Panther drive.
Copy the important stuff from the Jag drive to the Panther drive. I'm talking about documents, word docs, images, movies, music etc. Stuff that is independent of the operating system. I used disk images to move my stuff but it's up to you. Don't move applications, ie. Photoshop, Word etc. They need to be installed properly and they won't all work if simply moved from one Applications folder to another. If you leave them as they are, ie. on the jag drive, and continue to use them from there it will probably slow the system down. I had this experience when I created a backup of my main hard drive on another internal drive.Every time the system tried to open a file it saw two versions of mail, safari etc.
If you have the space just create a diskimage of the stuff you need to move and copy it to the panther drive. Then re-install the applications if possible. It's a little awkward but the disk images keep everything together and you can then format the jag drive and use the space as you see fit. You can also burn the disk images to a cd as a backup.:)
well ive got all my evertyhing on my old drive..that is runnign 10.2.8. I just installed a new drive and that is running 10.3.1. This is the drive i want to start up in.

It seems like running the apps from the other old drive will work, it just keeps asking me for serial numbers for all my apps. Is this kind of setup ok to run though?

Also, how do i get the data from my old address book into the new one?
I suppose it's up to you, personally I wouldn't run two different versions of an operating system on the same computer unless I had to. It might take a little time but I would install the apps on panther, get rid of jag and use the space.
If you can run apps off jaguar you can also copy documents etc. to panther. I think it would just make life easier to decide which one you want to use and commit to it. That said, if you are happy with Jag and don't need anything that Panther offers why not stay with Jag until you need to upgrade? You could format the panther drive. Just a suggestion. OS upgrades are usually a pain and involve a bit of shuffling around if you choose a clean install. I still believe that you should choose one system and stick with it until you need to change. Besides, you can't go on entering serial numbers for ever app all day
Can't help you with Address book as I don't use it myself! :p
Running two different systems on the same computer is fine, they'll run with no problems, but I wouldn't run your apps from the Jag HD while booted into Panther. Install your apps fresh from their CD's on Panther. You did a fresh install of Panther, why take a chance on bring any problems into it from Jaguar or Jag files that aren't needed.
Roadie said:
...Also, how do i get the data from my old address book into the new one?
I haven't tried exactly this, but you should be able to export your old address book as vCards and then import those back into the new Address Book...
I haven't tried exactly this, but you should be able to export your old address book as vCards and then import those back into the new Address Book

yeah i figured that one out, worked perfectly.

so i guess the general consensus is just use the old jag drive for space. Should i leave an OS on there in case i need to boot from it?
You can leave Jag on the ld hard drive, or get Carbon Copy Cloner (free) from, and after you have your Panther drive set the way you want it, use CCC to clone the Panther drive to the old drive. It will be a bootable, exact buckup of your new drive.
Not sure about what will happen with Panther but I used CCC to make a complete backup to an internal drive when I was using Jag. The system slowed down in general, the 'open with' contextual menu often showed two entries for vlc or word or whatever. When I removed the cloned version, the system became noticeably snappier (no beach ball) and files loaded quicker. Anybody else have any similar problems?
Someone mentioned that things like Open With take longer when you have multiple copies of Applicatons installed... regardless of what volume they are one...