Mozilla 0.9.8


Staff member
Gosh, I gotta say it: It rocks. I'm a big fan of OmniWeb and bought a license half a year ago, but I'm always looking at options. MSIE 5.1.3 was the way to go for many purposes, because OW hasn't really caught up so well. It will with version 5, I'm sure of that, because OmniGroup is well aware of its competition. OW still is the nicest browser around for OS X, but it still lacks some important stuff.

But Mozilla... I've tried to use the nightly builds on a regular basis in the past (three months ago for about a month), but it was just too bumpy and slow.

But I must really say: 0.9.8 is nice.
it's nice but sucks up way too much processor time when hidden. top displays mozilla jumping between 0.4 and 88(!)%. a bit odd if you ask me.
i don't have that problem at all. it always around 2% - 8%... are you sure you wasn't browsing some pages with Flash/Javascript looping a lot?
With 0.9.8 Carbon build, they seemed to have narrowed the gap in rendering times with the MachO Build. It still feels just a smidgen slower, but that still puts it faster than IE, iCab, and a little faster then OW.


This build seems to be very stable, supports both Flash 5/6, Shockwave plugins, and has the widest Java/Javascript support in an OS X browser (right now)...

Mozilla might just become my new default!
I still can't get java to work...

1. Yes, it is turned on in the preferences.
2. Yes, I deleted the Mozilla folder from the Library folder in my user folder.

Any suggestions?

Also, I only go to a single site that uses Java. Can you guys post URLs to other sites that use Java?

Go to versiontracker

Select the Mac OS X tab

Search for MRJ Carbon

Follow the instructions for installation...

Seems to work pretty well...
Originally posted by ddma
i don't have that problem at all. it always around 2% - 8%... are you sure you wasn't browsing some pages with Flash/Javascript looping a lot?

you're right. i checked again and noticed various animated gifs and banners on the page i was browsing.

but still, my other browsers don't suck up that many cycles when hidden.
Even when viewing, which has a lot of Flash & Shockwave content, Mozilla tops out at 3% of CPU usage.

Mozilla just bumped out both OW and IE for me as default browser, at least for the time being.

Made the ever important change in Internet Preferences to make Mozilla the default browser...
I just posted this over at MacNN... thought you'd be interested:

Okay, I just did a simple rendering speed test. I saved this page to hy hard drive, cleared the cache of all browsers, closed all browsers, re-opened the browers, and timed how long it took to COMPLETELY load the page. In OmniWeb, I turned OFF the "Start drawing web pages before they are entirely loaded" option. This is on my Dual 500 G4 with OSX 10.1.2 and 832MB of RAM.

Omniweb 4.0.6: 9.0 seconds
Omniweb 4.1 sneakypeek 36: 7.8 seconds
Internet Explorer 5.1: 10.3 seconds
Mozilla 0.9.8: 3.9 seconds

'Nuf said. :cool:
Go my little lizard users! You wont regret it!

just dont let ed see this thread... he'll ruin the party:p

knock, knock, knock.....

Bang, Bang, Bang....

Open up in there. This is the browser police. your neighbors have filed a complaint. We also have reports you are aiding and abetting a pretty shabby corporation.

you boys just keep the volume down and we'll let you go with a warning this time

Wow. I started a thread that had every quality of a 'Aaargh-Flame!' thread - but people actually seem to be the same opinion (more or less) that Mozilla has come a long way and is now actually 'good'.

Hell, what if MS does a great job with IE 6 for Mac OS X? What if Mozilla gets better every day (as it has done in the past few...)? What if OmniWeb 5 will rock the town? Is this going to be a wonderful world or not?

:) Guess yes.
you can run, but you can't hide:D

just one serious thought - discussing the technical merits and limitations of mozilla or any other product doesn't really upset me. this thread was started with a sensible direction and has stayed on the point. none of the "go here and get this because i say so" kind of attitude that gets my blood pressure raised. I will never argue with your right to choose any product. only with your rationale for doing so. and we've been there and done that.
Step away from the iCab koolaid, let your guard down, and submit yourself to the Mozilla. He's just waiting for you to click on him....