Yes, Mozilla is heavy compared to anything else... Yes, it is bloated... But boy oh, boy, does it load multiple tabs faster than Safari!

At least in 56K/64K (modem/ISDN) lines!

Is Mozilla ugly? You better believe it!

But you can theme it like there is no tomorrow!
I stand in my position as being the most stable browser in OS X! It simply doesn't crash no matter how many Tabs I'm opening at the same time, no matter what is their contents, nothing!
As for Safari I think the problem is beyond my hands because I erased EVERYTHING Safari related and re-installed 2-3 times... Trashed its prefs... Emptied its caches but the crashes still occur! Here is a thing for anyone who wants to try it:
- (open some tabs, browse them, click on ads, articles, whatever)
- (open 1 or 2 tabs and start downloading some Large movie trailers)
- or (browse, download some files)
- (browse, post)
-2 or 3 more tabs with other sites and do whatever you want
More often than not (8 or 9 out of 10) the above specific things will crash the Safari... for good!
I'm using my TiBook with 56K/64K lines and at the same time with the browser I use iChat, MSN Messenger, Yahoo!Messenger (of course other apps too) but mostly those are the apps that are accessing the net at the same time...
Keep in mind that I have no problem with Safari in general other than the current version and already Giaguara said that she too has Safari crashing at version 1 (v85) while before it wasn't...
As for MozillaFireBird, I mentioned it before in other posts of mine but after some time with it, it occured to me that it is a hybrid of Camino/Mozilla (as of now)... That means that if you don't like Mozilla or Camino or both there is no way that you gonna like FireBird