Mozilla 1.4 vs Safari 1.0


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
Safari was the fastest. But not the most compatible browser, so that I always had Camino as a second chance.

Now with 1.4, Mozilla seems faster than Safari, and has a much better compatibility and reliability.
Yep! Mozilla here, too! Faster, more compatible, stable (not a single crash which I cannot say that for Safari) and many many little things that make this product better overall than Safari. Only some text handling problems here and there but nothing THAT bad...

After Mozilla, Camino is better for me too! 1 or 2 crashes ONLY for a whole month and more compatible than Safari too!

Safari 1 (v85) it seems a bit of a rush work as of now... Especially, those daily crashes! Until those crashes will cease with a future version, Safari no more for me :o

Oh, one other browser that I like a lot is OmniWeb now in version 4.5b2!
Hint-hint! Hint-hint! :p
Hulk, simply reinstall Safari. I had the same problem as you, they all vanished at reinstall.

I use Safari to browse, but I also use it combined to Mozilla to test my web pages. Both are fast, but Mozilla isn't faster than Safari, as far as I can see. It is stable, yes, but Safari is a rock at home too. My own preference goes to the lightest of the two, Safari. Plus, I prefer its tabs and interface, just less obtrusive - for example, Mozilla's buttons are huge and really ugly IMHO, while Safari is more elegant.

Both render very closely, the only difference I have is about a 1px difference on some occasions :p
Mozilla is so heavy as application, and has all the useless bounds to it (no, i am not going to need mozilla mail or IM) and besidies before changing it's default look, it's the ugliest of them all. So i've had it once on my mac and wasnt really impressed when chimera did everything faster (well, last year).

I quit using chimera after thye copied the bookmark system of safari - i hate that on camino, so when i use chimera still for something it's a february build, for that reason. And Safari's been a lot better since v71 released, but now weirdly the "stable" version 1 crashes on places it didnt before. :rolleyes:
IIRC Mozilla 1.4 is the last build with all the "bloated" features (mail, IM, etc.).
1.5 and beyond (or however they are going to number them) will be more like Phoenix/Firebird: small and fast.
This is good to learn, indeed I only need the browser.

Safari is good for me, as long as I don't need https. But as soon as I use protected pages, it becomes unstable.
Does Mozilla still have that 1 or 2 second delay between the time you press Command-N or choose "new window" and the time it actually appears. I couldn't give a crap about rendering times if the app is already losing time right out of the window-creation starting gate.
Yes, Mozilla is heavy compared to anything else... Yes, it is bloated... But boy oh, boy, does it load multiple tabs faster than Safari! :rolleyes: At least in 56K/64K (modem/ISDN) lines! :D Is Mozilla ugly? You better believe it! :p But you can theme it like there is no tomorrow! ;)

I stand in my position as being the most stable browser in OS X! It simply doesn't crash no matter how many Tabs I'm opening at the same time, no matter what is their contents, nothing!

As for Safari I think the problem is beyond my hands because I erased EVERYTHING Safari related and re-installed 2-3 times... Trashed its prefs... Emptied its caches but the crashes still occur! Here is a thing for anyone who wants to try it:
- (open some tabs, browse them, click on ads, articles, whatever)
- (open 1 or 2 tabs and start downloading some Large movie trailers)
- or (browse, download some files)
- (browse, post)
-2 or 3 more tabs with other sites and do whatever you want

More often than not (8 or 9 out of 10) the above specific things will crash the Safari... for good! :(

I'm using my TiBook with 56K/64K lines and at the same time with the browser I use iChat, MSN Messenger, Yahoo!Messenger (of course other apps too) but mostly those are the apps that are accessing the net at the same time...

Keep in mind that I have no problem with Safari in general other than the current version and already Giaguara said that she too has Safari crashing at version 1 (v85) while before it wasn't...

As for MozillaFireBird, I mentioned it before in other posts of mine but after some time with it, it occured to me that it is a hybrid of Camino/Mozilla (as of now)... That means that if you don't like Mozilla or Camino or both there is no way that you gonna like FireBird ;)
My current favorite is Mozilla Firebird!

I was originally a huge Netscape fan and only used IE reluctantly. The problem is that Netsacpe stopped being relevant or useful a long time ago.

Firebird is the first mozilla dirivetive that has truely excited me and made me thing that Netscape can one day reign again.

I can't really explain why Safari does not excite me... Maybe because it is a 1.0 product... Maybe because I know there is no WinDoze equivelent so the liklihood of sites being properly tested is slim.

With Mozilla Firebird I feel confiden that the Mac & PC will render the same...
Safari renders very very very much like Mozilla which renders very very very much like Firebird, as far as I can tell from my own tester experience with Safari and Mozilla.
For those with problems of Safari crashing out of the blue:
"Those who previously had serious problems with Safari 1.0 unexpectedly quitting and displaying a host of other problems.

Try deleting the file: which is found your Home/Library/Preferences folder, and then re-launching Safari. Apparently this entity, like other Mac OS X preference files, can become corrupt and cause problems with Safari as well as other browsers.

This fix has also been able to cure problems adding bookmarks in Safari, and incomplete downloads."

And the Oscar goes to :D ;)