mp3 player from itunes songs?


iMovie Professional
I have an mp3 player that has been sitting around ever-sense I got an iPod. The problem is that iTunes locked up all my music, and the player can only play mp3's. I know that the files are unlocked on the iPod, but this thing uses the filename for the track name, so using the files from that are not feasible. Any ideas?
Buy a CD-RW disc. Burn a disc from iTunes, which gets you unlocked
AIFF files. Bring the disc into iTunes as MP3s. Drag them to your HD
and copy them to your MP3 player. Erase the CD-RW. Repeat as needed.
Turns out that the files I wanted just needed to be converted - which, as I have found, is an option in iTunes. Problem is, I think that they are too compressed for the player, as it is skipping and missing pitches..