MP3 Players for Mac


I am looking to get an mp3 player to use with my iMac
I want one with FM radio
preferably not a CD player
at least 128mg memory, maybe flash cards??
small with an armband maybe.
all for less than $180
Any Suggestions??

I know I should just get an iPod, but I want the 20 gig, and I need to justify the purchase price to my wife. I guess I can get a cheaper player and then sell her on the benefits of the iPod from there.
Creative has a solid range of small players. I had one with a 128-mg card (it also had FM receiver and voice memo) and it was a durable sucker (still is, just not being used as I went to an iPod).
I think anything other then iPod you will be disapointed.

How dare you think of connecting a crappy mp3 player to your nice imac! It doesn't deserve that! ;)
Panasonic make some nice ones, with the armband, as you describe.

I had a Creative Nomad at one stage, and it was pretty good quality. But I can't think of any off the top of my head that feature an FM radio.

Gives a decent range of mp3 players.

I got my Creative in Singapore, so I wonder if different products are available at Creative's homebase.

It's often a pain carrying a trio of devices, but I'd use my Palm Tungtsen/T for voice recording (along with cool pda functions). There are some basic mp3 players for it as well that are all right with headphones or an powered external speaker rather than the built-in speaker, which is too small for decent sound. For mp3 players, iPod is the way to go. And I have an FM transceiver for it to broadcast to the radio on my cellphone. I just have to remember which pocket has what. :p

And to think of all the electro-magnetic stuff swirling around me, and it would kill your budget.