mp4 and SDP strange problem


Hi, men...
I'm writing some code to interact with QuickTime Streaming Server, but I've had a problem...
I've encoded some .mp4 from an .avi file using mp4creator (, audio and video tracks as been hinted succesfully...
If I upload this .mp4 to a QTSS machine I'm able to listen and view the stream via RTSP (rtsp://address:554/movie.mp4) without problems... but if I try to create a playlist with this mp4 I obtain an error like this 'movie.mp4 does not match with sdp'
I've just read an email from creators of mp4creator which tells me that this problem is known, but they cannot work on it now, but only in few months.
Now the questions are:
- do you know if there is a way to solve this problem?
- SDP is an header on mp4 files, or can be a separated file?

Thanks a lot and sorry for the length