MPW: Adding header files to makefile


Hello. I am new to MPW. I don't know how to build an SIOW application in C++ if I have to add one or two classes. It seems that I would have to edit the .make file to be able to have my classes recognized in my main source program.

I don't much know about makefiles neither. I'm used to have the compiler taking care of those things for me.

Where exactly should I edit my makefile to include a header file?

I'm using MPW 3.5 and my files, for example, are: main.cpp, String.cpp and String.h

Thank you
Before we go any further, what kind of Mac with what OS are you doing this on? Let's make sure MPW is an absolute requirement.

Secondly, post your Makefile here. If we can see it, it will be much easier to describe what to do.
