MSN For Mac ... (hehe)

I Just Read this Over @ "" and had to fill you guys in. i know, if u have the opportunity, you will flock at the chance of having MSN Internet access! hehe!

Taken From NeoWin
Microsoft has quietly introduced MSN Internet Access for the Mac to customers in the 14 states that get local phone service through Qwest Communications International. The service, which has been running for about two weeks, is part of a deal Microsoft struck with Qwest a year ago to transition Qwest's dial-up and broadband customers from the service to Microsoft's MSN service.

The MSN for the Mac program, as it consists now, is little more than a dialer application that connects Macs to the Internet. Microsoft said it would study whether to add features similar to those on the PC version as well as whether to expand the Mac service beyond customers in the areas served by Qwest.

Unlike the Mac version, PC versions come with MSN Explorer, which is a modified IE browser that links directly to MSN services.

"It's absolutely a great opportunity to begin a relationship with Mac customers and evaluate what opportunities there might be going forward," Gurry said.

Qwest is the local phone provider in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington state and Wyoming.

hehe! I can sense all of your excitement!

Well, that dialer app only works for OS 9. But it's not really needed since MSN is just a standard PPP connection. Imagine that... Microsoft using a standard!

Sorry, but I don't think Microsoft will be getting my money, especially when they charge about $20 for dial-up internet access, when I could pay twice that for something that's 100s of times faster.
Originally posted by voice-
Well, let's at least give them credit for trying to give us their PC goodies...

You Guys are So Lucky, if ONLY we had MSN Access here, for Macs! LOL! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


OOh, Life Couldn't be better, if M$ Create MSN Explorer For Mac's! have you Guys seen it?!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

your computer screen should be shaking as you read this since i am jumping up and down with joy:p

no doubt, there will be plenty of entry level mac users who use it. The funny thing is, i doubt the company itself even realizes how far behind the mac platform they are.

thanks for letting us know the pathetic state of affairs in some parts of the world neyo:eek: :rolleyes:
I pray that MSN explorer isn't made for the mac. It is the biggest peice of crap ever. It is basically one huge Microsoft/MSN advertisement. Plus the interface sucks.

Oh and any browser that says "Hello" to you when you start it up I will never use :p.
Originally posted by googolplex
I pray that MSN explorer isn't made for the mac. It is the biggest peice of crap ever. It is basically one huge Microsoft/MSN advertisement. Plus the interface sucks.

Oh and any browser that says "Hello" to you when you start it up I will never use :p.

LOL! i know, it comes with XP by Default! its SOO Lame, its M$'s version of AOL Really! all the intergrated MSN Crap is, well Crap, like Calender and So forth!

However, like Ed stated, for Beginners, it brings everything together nicely! So, who knows! Some Poor Soul will use it! :(

They took the "hello"??? remember those old ads? Say hello...
damn, this company has NO RESPECT!!!

AOL killed Netscape, a good browser...what MSN Explorer can do to IE(which is NOT a good browser), I can not even imagine...
Hmm... I want an interface like the one 'lain' uses in the very intense anime 'Serial Experiments lain'. Where she goes to her Navi (Knowledge Navigator) and says 'Hallo, Navi...' and the computer goes 'Hallo, lain...' Creepy, kinda, but very, very sweet.
If my computer starts doing anime stuff then you can bet it'll be hit up the side of the tower with a baseball bat!

Ick. :eek: :mad:
actually, the navi lain uses has an interface very much like NeXT-Step. And it's called 'Copland OS Enterprise'. Nothing much 'anime' in that, right? And why state an opinion like that dricci? :)