MSN issues


I'm having an issue with msn where randomly people will go offline while I'm chatting with them so I think that they might be restarting their computer or something and forgot to tell me. It turns out that they aren't offline instead I just view them as offline. They can chatting to me and I can chat to them as long as I leave the chat window up because otherwise I can't start a conversation with someone that is "offline". This has happened to me with more then one person so I know it's not an issue on their end. I also have this happen to me when I take my computer to work so its not a issue with the wireless router or FreeBSD firewall setup in my house.

Another issue I have with msn is when I'm messaging someone and I click the "X" (red) button on the main MSN window to have it running in the background, I can't open it up again until i close out of all the chat windows. My brother has this same issue with his mac so I think it's a bug with the programming, however I have a hard time with this because if this was a bug then it probably would be fixed by now.

Does anyone have these issues themselves?
Nope, but I use MSN with my Mac and it works just fine. Ultimately, just uninstall your MSN and reinstall. I think your copy may have bug of some sort. Uninstall before you reinstall.

And install one of these versions... it has them listed on the right side of the webpage. Make sure you install a version that's compatible with the OS you have. It starts at 9.2.2 and goes up to 10.3 and later.
I looked through the list and I have the right version. This problem has happened since I've gotten my computer (7 months) and I've completly formated my computer and reinstalled mac osx a number of times and yet the problem persists. I also redownloaded msn from everytime I've formated so its not a bad download.
Just a thought... but perhaps you use them already.

Other IM's:

  1. Adium - The better of the two
  2. AMSN - If you want Video with your MSN

I became fed up with my MSN for Mac and only ever use Adium with little to no problems.

As said above, try the reinstall with the versions suggested! ;)
