MSN Messenger 4.0?



site doesn't work, msn messenger 3.0 can't login

is there something being updated?? I hope so!

Let's all pray for a descent (if this word isn't correct: i meant "good") MSN Messenger 4.0
Yep me 2 I cant sign in :(

WOW! MSN 4!.... Now thers and idea! :D

Any idea if there is any way to make a add on for messneger 4 the mac?

Well, Im online againm and i know what was up:

LMAO at the All Systems Go statement on the .NET Messenger Service Status page. I'm quite sure I'm not the only one that hasn't been able to sign into MSN Messenger today!
Update #1: All the Messenger servers seem to be down at the moment, even the status page.
Update #2: The status page now states that the .NET Messenger Service is temporarily unavailable... just when I've finally succeeded at logging in! And gradually, people are appearing into my contact list again.

Taken from


The Messenger servers were taken down, deu tio the Media Player 9 Launch today :D


PS: What u all think of my new Sig?