Multimedia Authoring in OS X

Joel Epstein

I need some advice -

I've been using Macromedia Director since version, oh, I don't know 3.0. I really prefer Authorware, but now that it is no longer supported for the Mac, I've been stuck with Director. But now, I have no clear idea when (or if) there will be an OS X version. And, I've heard numerous whinings about how poorly 8.5 runs in classic (I haven't attempted it myself yet).

So, bottom line is, I'd love to have a decent alternative to the Macromedia Hegemony, and one that would run under OS X as well. Any ideas or suggestion for a program that would support my work for making kiosk-based educational programs (e.g., science museum pieces)?

You might want to take a look at iBuild. There is an OS X version. I'm not sure if it is suitable to your needs. You can get it on Version Tracker.

I've seen one or two items made with this and they looked pretty impressive.
Live Stage Pro from

It lets you do most of the things you can do in Director.
QScript is pretty easy to learn. It can be a little more "work-aroundy"
than Director in solving particular problems.
It outputs interactive QuickTime .mov files.

You can use all of the media types that QT supports,
including Flash (which isn't OSX native yet either, and
who also runs painfully slow under classic).
Also sports a great helpful community.

iShell is another possibility. Actually, iShell and LSP
complement each other quite well. I think that they have
an OSX authoring environment...

Thanks for the advice.

I've downloaded the demo for iShell. I was able to do a mock-up of my latest project in less than 2 days. There's no way I could do this with Director! I'll be buying the full product immediately!
Director MX is supposed to be released very soon, along with Flash MX.

Macromedia needs to get it's UI act together, because Adobe is steamrolling out applications now and has it's game ON. With ridiculous product integration and very extensible bases, Adobe could drop a Shockwave/Flash compatible authoring product and TOTALLY DESTROY the cashcow that is Macromedia's authoring products. Livemotion 2.0 is already the web animation tool I and many I know have been waiting for to save us from Flash, at least for some applications. </SOAPBOX> grrr... frickin' Macromedia