MWSF keynote & Tech TV


Sorry if this has been asked before, but does anyone know of TechTV will cover the keynote at MWSF like they did in NY?

My new ISP is so slow it would be useless to try and watch streaming video, but I have TechTV which would be ideal.

If anyone knows, let me know.


I've posted a post about the speech. will record for anyone who wants, in U.S and for cost of shipping and vhs tape, like $6 or so. see my other post. i will be recording in SP mode from TechTV and if it has a lot of stupid comentary and people don't want it then I'll record from the quicktime speech when there's less traffic. so i would then get better quality. anyhow i get via quicktime as good as they can send me a stream. so see my other post for more info.