My Airport Express Keeps Kicking off my Girlfriend's PC !


Hello -

I have a G4 laptop and connect to the web with an Airport Express, which gives me no problems at all. My girlfriend got given an 11g PC Connect card from her work so she could also use the Airport with her PC, which runs Windows XP.

Her PC connects through the Airport, but it seems to kick her off the connection frequently (this varies from twice a day to up to twenty times a day) Needless to say this is very frustrating and I was hoping someone might have experienced something similar and has an easy explanation/fix.

I updated the firmware to 6.3 yesterday, hoping that might fix it, but it seems, if anything, to have gotten worse.

Thanks in advance for any help you may have at all.

Try and see if there are updated drivers on the manufacturer's website for the card in your girlfriend's PC. It's possible that the software for this particular card might need updating.
Thanks Nixgeek - I checked that but the last driver on the site is dated June 2004, and I have found out that the particular card has now been discontinued so unlikely to get any new ones for it now ! Might try reinstalling it anyway but I think it may be futile...

Be sure your Express is up-to-date. I remember an update that was supposed to fix some problems with non-Apple wireless devices.
