My Community


Yeah, Androo.
PenguiNN ComunitY
hey, i just uploaded my own community for my friends and hopefully other people. I'm kind of new at forums (besides being a member at a few forums). Got any suggestions?
I got stuff for Apple Computer, PC/Windoze, free chat (kind of like the macosx cafe section how it is off topic) and a bunch of other stuff.
How do I get my forum on Yahoo or Google? do i gotta pay?
Well, check it out if you want (thanks to element for the webspace!).
ps. this isn't an advertisement for my forum, i just need some advice to make it better.
- You should not have to pay to put your forum on yahoo or google. Google is a meta-search, and in order to be 'picked up' by google you have to set the meta-tags on your page, such as keyword and description. I'm not sure how you would effect this on your php-driven page, but it would require editing the main page.
Yahoo requires you "submit" a page, filling out a form. It should be free, though I haven't done this in a few years.
- As for suggestions for topics, why not keep it as vague and open as possible until you get a feel for what your users want to talk about.
ok cool thanks!
oh yeah i just registered at which has meta tags and does something where you can register and use the files that are on another site.
Would this be a good meta tag?
<title>PenguiNN ComunitY</title>
<meta name="description" content="PenguiNN Comunity - a cool forum to chat about computers, multimedia, net, and more! It is completely free to sign up too.">
<meta name="keywords" content="chat, computers, forum, help, penguinn, room, stuff, talk">
If nothing else, it would be interesting to see how many people search for "stuff". :p

All sounds good to me, but remember your description may be truncated when viewed through Google's search page, so it might read better as: PenguiNN Comunity - a cool FREE forum to chat about computers, multimedia, net, and more!
I hope that when google adds the url, i'll get more members.... it's fun being admin, but the problem is i got only 3 of my friends that joined...