My computer turns on its system but it doesn't show anything on the screen :-(


I don't know what to do, I tried plugging in the charger and then without it and turning it on and of all the time loads of times but I don't know what to do, nothing's working :( Do you have any ideas? :(
Anyone :'( could someone please give me at least 1 idea :( I don't want to repair my computer screen *AGAIN* it will cost about as much as the computer itself, 2000sfr!!!!! :'(
I don't want to repair my computer screen *AGAIN* it will cost about as much as the computer itself, 2000sfr!!!!! :'(
If your screen was replaced within the last 12 months you should be able to get a new screen at no cost. A friend of mine went through two screens before they replaced his logic board which fixed the problem permanently. Fortunately his was all done under AppleCare.

If you wind up having to replace the screen at your own expense, you should seriously consider getting a new machine instead. As you have already noted, it won't cost that much more and this time be sure and get AppleCare.