My excuse for not being OS9 certified

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Colonel Panic
It's a rapidly dying platform, which the next generation of Mac hardware will not even boot to.

Anyone got a better excuse?

(If you're bewildered by this post, it's a reference to an ad that keeps popping up on this site...)

You don't need to be certified to play games, which IMO 9 is only good for nowadays.

I made a topic about this just a few hours ago and it got deleted... :-\

EDIT: Err, moved rather. :D
For me, it's just like being certified for other stuff like MCSE, A++, etc... it's just an expencive piece of paper that is worthless to me!

Now, when MCSE, A++, Certified Windows Professionals and the such come up to me asking ME for help (or me simply showing them up)! Now THAT is Priceless! :)
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