My feelings about Microsoft put very eloquently


Unofficial Mac Genius
OK. I couldn't pass this up.

You know that Microsoft Office update that is supposed to be coming out in late May or early June, that's supposedly fixing 1000 bugs? No, well then go here.

Now this is exactly what I think:

Originally from As the Apple Turns
Now, you can choose to interpret that information in a stunningly glass-half-full manner, e.g. "Wow, Microsoft must be super-good at programming to fix all those bugs, plus they must really like me to be giving me this update for free." Our own interpretation is slightly less Pollyanna in tone: "Wow, Microsoft must be super-sloppy to release a product with that many bugs in the first place, and the very fact that people are freaking out because this $500 software package whose bug count runs upwards of four digits might disappear someday is the very definition of the word 'monopoly.' [emphasis added]" C'mon, any company that didn't wield monopoly power would be laughed out of business overnight if it tried to charge half a grand for a suite of office productivity applications so full of bugs it qualifies as a bona fide ecosystem.

Wow, you can't put it any better than that! I don't care if it's the Mac BU or not. It's Microsoft and only Microsoft can pull this off.
More than published, it should be hung on posters and put in EVERY Apple Store in the world!

I think that's THE BEST piece they've ever written.
i never encountered any bugs in word or entourage. - that's just my experience.
There must be some Microsoft Office Reality Distortial Field going on there. I dont have Office and I don't want to pollute my mac with that kind of crap. I'm also not going to spend that much money on it!
The price tag is the major reason I don't feel like purchasing Office. I also don't feel like contributing to the wallet of Mr. Gates at all, so even if the price of Office dropped to $30 I doubt that I would buy it. I think that there are plenty of good alternatives to the over priced Office suite.

Honestly, I've used Windows for the last 7 years on my home computer. I had crashes in Office applications, but I can't tell if it was due to the Office suite, the operating system, or even my hardware. Just crashed. Fell down, go boom.

I could talk now about the reality of software releases and bug fixes from the point of view of a software developer, but I am lazy and don't wanna. :) If anyone is interested in my POV, feel free to ask...
I have Microsoft Office 98, and I have to say that it HAS come in handy for the time that people send me Microsoft Word documents.

But I didn't buy it. It was at MWSF '00, and I won it and the Microsoft Intellimouse at their booth. Heehee! So, I'm happy to say that I've never actually PAID for any Microsoft product. I cheated Microsoft out of about $600. (I should've sold it, though.)

I remember Word 5.1. That was back in the days when Microsoft wasn't as big a monopoly as it is today. Then, it actually was a good product, and wasn't overpriced.

The other time I used Microsoft was the Office v.X Test Drive to create a PowerPoint presentation that was fully compatible with the PC version. It's nice to know that you can create a PowerPoint presentation and not have to modify the saved file one little bit to have it play on a PC. And guess what? That annoying "Please buy Office v.X" banner that appears when you present the slide show in the Test Drive is non-existant when you play it on the PC. :) :) :)
simX, could you buy me some lottery tickets? I seem to be getting the impression that you win a lot of things. MS Office, Intellimouse, Norton Utilities, etc etc.
Originally posted by nkuvu
simX, could you buy me some lottery tickets? I seem to be getting the impression that you win a lot of things. MS Office, Intellimouse, Norton Utilities, etc etc.

The trick is to participate in contests/things at which you actually have a good chance to win.

In the lottery, you have something like a couple million people participating. Your chances of winning are shot to heck. At MWSF '00, you have (at most) 80000 people roaming the halls, and that's usually the throughput for the whole event. There's probably less than half of that on any given day, and only a fraction will probably sit down at Microsoft's booth and have no shame in participating in some dorky little contest. :p So my chances were actually really high.

And how many people would actually participate in a beta test of Norton Utilities, a piece of software that has the potential to screw up your whole hard drive (especially since it's beta software)? Not many, especially considering this was the MACINTOSH version. They were offering it to 25 people; I wonder how many actually participated and actually sent in a bug. Not many, I'd venture to guess.

But if you really want lottery numbers, here ya go:

7 13 26 30 41 45

You can buy the ticket yourself. ;)