My Firewire HD keeps dismounting


About every day my Maxtor external 76GB HD dismounts for no apparent reason. I try many things to get it to remount. I go into Disk Utility app to see if I can do it from there, but I never can. I turn of the HD for a while and then turn it back on, but that never works. The only thing that gets my HD to return is to restart. I know it is a simple fix but this shouldn't be happening in the first place. Please help

Have you checked the firewire cable? Have you run a disk utility on the Maxtor?

What OS are you running? Have you set your energy saver to shut it down? It sounds like it is going to sleep when you aren't using it.
I have a similar problem but with a FW DVD+RW/+R drive which loses it's connection with my computer every now and then. To get it recognized by the system I have to switch both the computer and the drive off, then do a restart. It seems as if there is something in the system probing the drive as the light goes on and off before it loses connectivity.:rolleyes: