My G4 Keeps rebooting!


Ok, I have a very weird problem.
I have a 1Ghz Dual G4 powermac.
It has recently developed a very odd problem.

When I use diskcopy to burn a DVD, my system turns itself off. It doesn't always happen, but it happens around 75% of the time.

I am running 10.2.6 of MacOS X

It seems to turn itself off more often if the Mac has been running for a couple of days. But it can do it first up if I switch the computer on, after it has been off over a weekend for example.

The system gives no warning at all, it just turns itself off and I have to then switch it back on via the powerbutton the front of the case.

Any thoughts or ideas about whats going on? Is it time for me to reinstall my OS?

For the record the cpu heatsink is not hot at all, so I don't think it is due to CPU temp.

Help! :-)
Get the OS CD and boot from it. When the installer comes up, go to the Installer menu and select Disk Utility. Run that and have it repair all that it finds. If it comes up that it can not repair some problems you need to get Drive 10 from Micromat.
Just as a followup for anyone that might be interested.

The switching off problem has been noted by the Apple Service Centre before.
Essentially the guy told me it is one of three standard(ish) problems. Either a faulty power supply, a faulty CPU or a faulty logic board.

He had some other quicksilver mac's on hand and tried mine out with parts from various other machines. So it was a process of elimination.

After a day and a bit, he got back to me with the info that the problem is the power supply in my dual G4.

The unit is about two weeks out of warranty, however Apple are going to cover it. Which I am pretty glad about, considering I bought it about two weeks before they dropped the price hugely on the dual G4 units.

Hopefully I'll get my computer back today or tomorrow and I can stop using this windows laptop at the office. :)
Oh, no, it's the Appleblaster worm! :D

You're sure lucky Apple is covering the cost of the PSU. You wouldn't see that same kind of compassion toward a customer from the Dells of the world (though you don't always see it from Apple, either).