My honest observations of Jaguar


One of the main reasons I bought Jaguar was because of its speed enhancements. Most things are much faster; however, there are still a couple of things that are not yet great. One of those things is window resizing. On my PowerBook G4 rev2(which is Quartz Extreme accelerated), it's still sluggish to resize windows, especially Internet Explorer (which I realize Microsoft could also be at fault for this). The only other thing bothering me is scrolling on the internet. It has been improved, but I still feel as though the scroll bar lags behind me at times (It's not too bad, but OS9 was better). Anyways, that's enough with the bad, now onto the good. What I really like is switching between applications. With 10.1, I would be in one program and switch to another program and wait for the sluggish inactive windows to become active and for the active ones to become inactive. On Jaguar, it's like *click*, and the other application or window or whatever you're clicking is active just like that. No waiting for sluggish windows. Another good thing is window minimizing. When I minimize windows , it minimizes smoothly and fast. In 10.1, I would click the minimize button, wait a second or two, and then it would be in the dock, without showing any animations. In Jaguar, it's much much faster and smoother. Application load times are maybe a bit quicker, but not too much. Menus are much smoother and faster. The desktop highlight box (the one in which you click and hold on the desktop and you get a resizing box) that used to be horrible OSX is now perfect. Overall, it's just a smoother, faster, OS experience.
BTW, does anyone know how I can get folders to open the way they used to? I don't really want the zoomed openning and zoomed closing of folders. It's cool, but I could live without it.
You can get rid of the zooming windows with TinkerTool (as well as make some other useful changes.

IE is toblame for your Internet problems. Try Chimera.

> I downloaded TinkerTool and I dont see anything about turning off window zooming.

Perhaps I misunderstood your request? TinkerTool has an option to turn of the zooming rectangles when you open a file (this is in the Finder pane). It also has more ways to change the dock zoom than are available in the Dock Preference Pane. If you mean something else and have not found the solution, perhaps you could explain it differently. please?