my mac always dials-up?


Hi all

Sorry to be a twurp, but I've only moved to OS X in the last few days, it's great, expect, after my QS has started-up it automatically dials up a web connection. Is there a way I can disable this, or is this an OS X trait?


most often the cause of this - check your date and time in systems prefs, then click on network server, unclick the box for using a network time server.

welcome to os x :)
allo allo... actually don't forget there are a numbe of different reasons why your dial up will always try to connect... firstly, make sure "allow applications to make connection" is checked off in preferences, this is a global setting... if you have a mail client like Entourage and have it scheduled to check mail every so often, it will reconnect regardless of your system preferences. Yahoo! chat client also reconnects without your permission. (AOL probably does as well)...