My new toys


I got the phone earlier tonight, and the palm two days ago! It's a palm m505 (got that for a great deal!) and a Nokia 6360! I've really enjoyed them both so far, and hopefully I can use them respectively with my freelance design needs. :)


Only thing is: how can I make my palm connect through the phone to the internet? I can't quite figure out how to get that to work. But I love my new toys non-the-less! :D
*Cough* Mine are better. ;)

You probably need Bluetooth (on both devices) to get the PDA to dial the phone. I've tried sending contacts from my PDA to my phone via infrared, but it doesn't really work correctly. And that's just to transfer contact info, not to dial.

As for connecting to the Internet, it's probably the same story: you need Bluetooth, I bet.