Since everyone has started their own thread on the freaking 'iWalk' I figured that I'll do my own. First off, the iWalk thing is fake. It looks really good, and bravo to because it had me fooled for a bit .. but it's definately a spoof.
HOWEVER, I do believe that Apple is going to release or announce a PDA. Here's why:

HOWEVER, I do believe that Apple is going to release or announce a PDA. Here's why:
- MWSF Badge Mailing: As pointed out by simX, this picture was on the cover of the MacDirectory brochure that came in the MWSF Badge Mailing package. It doesn't seem to be a Newton (of the past), but it definately looks to be a PDA.
- Pen Computing: On the Macworld site, if you goto the Show Attractions then Sponsors & Supports, you get to this page. Scroll down to the bottom and you'll see a couple text links to I can't think of why a PDA site/webzine would sponsor an Apple expo unless Apple was going to enter the PDA market.
- Digital Hub: Stevo's new thing is this digital hub idea, where people's lives are going to be centered around their home computer. Apple organizes their site this way (you always see the iBook with the iPod, digicam, camcorder, PDA, etc. around it). Well what is the easiest thing Apple could introduce that would leash people to their home computers? A PDA. I could go on with arguments why a PDA attaches people to their PC, but we all know them.
- Palm Desktop for X: This is my last and weakest idea, but I thought I would trow it in. I closely followed the Palm Desktop for X thing because that is one of the reason's why I haven't upgraded yet. Over and over again I was being told that Palm was so slow in releasing this because Apple was not giving them their full cooperation with the new OS. Why would Apple want to make this hard for Palm users? Possibly, because they wanted to release a PDA of their own and didn't want us Apple users to get a Palm for Christmas and get attached to it.