My Safari Tab Question


Yes i searched around and either I'm blind or it hasn't been asked.

Is there a way to tell safari to open links from applications in new tabs not windows. Camino does this nicely. Also it'd be sweet to open new tabs instead of windows when you click on a link that had a target of _new or _blank. I just don't like new windows.
Heh, twister, did you look around here? I read this one in another post...forget which one now, and too lazy to look it up. :p

Set the browser to use tabs in the preferences, then go back to the General tab and in the Open links from applications: part choose in the current window. That'll open it up in a new tab rather than replacing what you were looking at.

Unfortunately, there's no way (that I know of) to make links with a target of _new or _blank to open in a new tab rather than a new window. I think that's kinda annoying too, but I live with it.

Edit - actually, there is one way that I know of, hold down command when you click a link. That's kinda annoying, though, you would need to know beforehand that the link opens up in a new window.
Ohh thanks Darkshaddow. Open links in current window just didn't sound like it'd open tabs. I'll have to try that tonight!!
Thanks Darkshadow. That works beautifully! I was wondering the answer to this question also.
Heh, y'all are welcome, but don't thank me, I was just repeating what I read in another post by somebody else.

Might have been in the 'Safari with Tabs' post...I can't remember.

Err, though the command clicking a link to open up in a new tab rather than a new window was my idea, but that's not really anything hidden, either.
Hmm...see, I didn't know that one. Much easier than having to hold down the command button everytime. :)

I hardly ever try clicking the scroll wheel (middle mouse button on my mouse)...I wonder if it does anything in any other app....
install USB Overdrive X and you can make any mouse button do anything. In flash it's my preview movie button. Very handy.