my website - up for review


Hey Everyone,
Here it is. My site that I finally decided to put something on.

Im not too sure what else im going to fill it with. I think I want to make it mac oriented, but we'll see.

Any comments or suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Thanks ahead of time,
forgot to add something....

the message boards dont match the frontpage yet. Im working on it, but ikonboard is not the easiest thing to skin. If anyone would like to do it for me, thats great.

also, I know that theres not much on there, I just want reviews on the front layout/design
[Tested in Safari]

Text could be reduced a bit, wouldn't hurt. Use 12pt, IMHO.

Use CSS for your text layout. That's far more powerful than those <font> and <size> tags. You'll be able to make the whole site a bit more vivid.