My wireless connection is not working


Hi, my name is Hibiki and I have a very important question to ask.
I just bought the iBook G4, Mac OS X, and I've tried to connect the internet with AirMac.
Before I got my iBook, I used a Windows XP and I used linksys and it was working completely fine.
When I first connected to AirMac, it kind of worked. Althought it was extremely slow and I couldn't take it.
The next day, I tried again, but this time, my wireless connection seemed completely dead.
It always asked me for a WEP password, and I was using a wireless connection that didn't have a password, so I didn't know what to put in. Even if I type in my old wireless, which had a password, it says its incorrect.

I really need help with this.



PS. It would be nice if you can tell me step by step methods to connect to the internet.
It sounds like to me that your iBook is trying to connect to a different network than the one you have set up.

In the upper left hand corner, click on the blue apple, then point to location -> Network Preferences.

Click on the Network Status to the right of "SHOW:" and choose Airport from the drop down.
Change the 'By Default,.." entry from Automatic to join a specific network (if not already selected) then click the drop down below and choose your router by name.

Choose Apply Now in the lower right hand corner and then close System Preferences- that should do it for you.