name didnt change?


I am trying to change the name of a volume to .xxxx I used the command mv xxxx .xxxx from the volumes directory, in the terminal the name changed, but did not change in the finder. Did I use the wrong command?
The items in the /Volumes directory are the equivalent of what you would see in the /mnt directory on Linux. They are temporary stand-ins (sometimes called "device special folders") for the volumes you've mounted. However changing these temporary names won't affect the actual volume names because they are merely stand-ins for the real volumes.

The name of a volume isn't stored in quite the same manner as the name of a folder, so when you see the volume name in the /Volumes directory you're seeing a "special folder" whose name has been borrowed from the volume name which comes from the "volume header" of a given partition.

Try renaming two or more volumes in the Finder so they all have exactly the same name and then list the contents of /Volumes. Pretty interesting, eh?

The only way I've been able to discover to change the name of a volume is through the Finder, and of course the Finder wisely prevents you from using a name beginning with a period. If you're trying to make your volume invisible you'll need to find some other clever trick!
I found out that the command for renaming a disk or volume is disklabel. However, although Mac OS X does contain the manpage for disklabel the command itself is not included with Mac OS X at all - even if you have the Developer Tools installed. You might be able to get the source code for disklabel someplace on the web or the binary may be included as part of the Darwin distribution.

Hey you out there:
Can anybody confirm whether the disklabel command is included with Mac OS X Server?
I did figure it out I just did it from OS9. Unix is wierd though. I have a volume named gig listing the contents of volumes in the terminal I get gig and gig0. Very strange I cant open gig0.
there will be occasional kruft in /Volumes as things come and go. Don't expect everything in there to lead someplace. But do expect any mounted volume other than / to be somewhere in there. gig0 is probably just old.