Name That Song (week 1)

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Alright, this little introduction won't be in ever weeks episode, just this first weeks. What's going to happen is every Monday afternoon I will post lyrics to a certain song. It can be a hip song, rock song, punk song, make-love-to-me song, basicly anything. The only limits to the songs I post here is that all songs will have been written/played on and after the year 1999.

All you need to do is guess the song title and artist, and you win! Currently no prizes have been planned, but if enough people get into this then by week 4 I'll be giving out free Mac OS X games, Mac software, heck even a Mac its self! Who knows what this could bring!? Winners will be announced whenever they answer the song correctly. All winners names will be posted in my sig under the "Name That Song" section (soon to come).

Are you ready? Here is the song for 'Name That Song' (week 1)!

So your standing on a ledge, it looks like you might fall
so far down, or maybe you were thinking about jumping
now you could have it all, if you learned a little patience
for though I cannot fly, I'm not conent to crawl...
So give me a little credit, have in me a little faith
I want to be with you forever, if tomorrows not too late...
But it's always too late when you've got nothing...
So you say...
But you should never let the sun set on tomorrow, before the sun rises today...
If i am, another waste of everything you dreamed of
I will let you down, if I am
only here to watch you as you sufer, I will let you down
So you're walking on the edge, and you wait your turn to fall
But you're so far gone, that you don't see the hands upheld to catch you
And you could find the fault, in the heart that you've been handed
For though you can not fly, you're not content to crawl
So you're standing on a ledge, it looks like you might fall
The answers that we find, are never what we had in mind
So we make it up as we go along...
You don't talk of dreams, I won't mention tomorrow
And we won't make those promises that we can't keep...

Alright good luck! And remember: both Artist and Song Title!
I found something interesting out a few minutes ago, so this contest is currently suspended. Sorry for this 'spam'.

P.S. the answer was: NineDays "If I Am"
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