Need 2 Simple Mac OS X Programs Developed...



Just wondering if there were any programmers out there that would be willing to do 2 custom Mac OS X Programs?

I need a Dockling that when clicked will open a specific website. Also, this program needs to have automatically install on a users computer.

The second program needs to download a specific audio clip every day and transfer it to an iPod. Probably could be done with AppleScript.

If anyone is interested please reply to this message or send me an email directly.


Well rather than a dockline, a simple web link will suffice, there wwas one put in your dock when you first started out, it was an @ on top of a spring. You can create this link by dragging the "@" symbol from next to the web adress in IE, over to the dock. As far as putting this in everyone's dock, I'm not sure how to, but I know you can do it. Not sure about anything else either, good luck!