Need a developer team for free web host project


web developer
Hi all,

I'm the project coordinator for, a free web hosting service for non-profit organisations and projects. We have one server operative at the moment and will set up another one on a dedicated 10 Mbps connection in January. I'll also contact our ISPs about special sponsorship agreements since we don't have any purpose of profit.
These servers are PowerPC G3 computers running Apache and MySQL under Darwin 6.8.

What we need is a custom PHP/MySQL member database solution that can hold all necessary user information. This would be names/user names, contact info and web hosting related details like desired amount of space, domain name etc. My idea is developing a simple piece of software that synchronises the details from the MySQL database, with the user data and server configuration. Member registrations would have to be approved through an administration panel before the user account is created. I'd also like to be able to change user details easily through the admin panel, e.g. if a user wants more space than we want to give. There's a lot of details like this, and I haven't thought of them all yet. Right now I just want to gather a team to develop all this.

We'll need a few people. I know exactly how this is supposed to work, but have few ideas on how to actually make it work like I want. So I'll be the technical and graphical designer. We've also got one to put things in place and make them look like they should in XHTML/CSS.

Summed up, what needs to be developed is:

-A web interface for member registrations using PHP and MySQL, including a simple admin panel to approve, edit and delete member accounts.

-An application to synchronise a MySQL database with Apache Server settings, creating the required directories and setting permissions automatically.

Of course, this system has to be maintained, and I'm not that much of a system administrator myself. We need someone to rely on, someone to make sure the systems are secure and always up and running. Preferably someone with Mac OS X Server/Darwin experience.

We want enthusiastic, open-source oriented people, willing to spend a christmas holiday working for an organisation that you've never heard of, located somewhere on the other side of the planet :p
Looking forward to hear from you!
I have two weeks off from work (god i hate windows) and i guess it could be fun....
goto and login with "admin" and "password" and have a play around. For those that are familiar with the CISCO student/learning website, it's designed to be a system to allow students to take tests via a browser, ala- CISCO tests. That is probably the most advanced stuff I've done in PHP/MySQL, but if i can be of any help, let me know.
I wish I had more free time... I would love to help. If you get in a bind, let me know, I might be able to squeeze something in.