Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
if there's anything better and as affordable as graphic converter, i want to know as well.
Originally posted by mdnky
The only cheap photo editing software I know of for OS X would require you to do some playing with the Unix side of things. You can download GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Project), which is opensource and costs a whopping $0.00...I know, it's alotta dough...do you need a paper bag?...breathe...breathe...
I've heard some people love it, and some hate it.
Info about GIMP,
Here's a link for a version ported for OSX,
thanks but macgimp.com won't let me download it grrrrrrrrrr.... lol.
Here's a place that sells GIMP on cd's for OS X, so you don't have to worry about compiling or using FINK to get it. Actually pretty reasonable.
Originally posted by toast
VERY basic is Goldberg, $0
Less basic is GraphicConverter, $not free.
GIMP is a very good solution IMO !
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
if there's anything better and as affordable as graphic converter, i want to know as well.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
actually the one thing i am looking for that i've only been able to do somewhat mediocrely with GC is enlarge pics while maintaining something close to their original quality....