Need help troubleshooting G4 hardware problem

Phil H.

Hi. I am in need of some direction in assessing a Mac G4 (silver CD door) hardware problem. When I try to boot I get to the Apple logo screen with the little spinning circle near the bottom, but it never gets any further. I have slaved the hard drive into a different Mac G4 (w/o silver door), and I can set it as the boot disk and everything works correctly, therefore I assume it is a hardware problem. I have the "Apple Hardware Test" CD from the "no silver door" G4, but it won't work in the "silver door" G4.
I am pretty well versed in PC troubleshooting/repair, but don't have much experience with Macs. I would greatly appreciate a link, or some steps I can take to figure what the root of the problem is.

Thanks in advance,
Phil: Is the hard drive's bus ID properly set? Is the drive at the end of the cable? Have you tried disconnecting all other peripherals (scanner/printer/USB devices,etc.)
Christopher, thanks for the quick reply. The drive in question is an internal IDE drive (I should have mentioned that in my original post). I have all the jumpers set properly depending on which machine it is in. As far as peripherals there are none except for the internal CD-RW drive. I suppose I could try disconnecting that when I get in the office tomorrow. Can you think of anything else I could try. Thanks again.
try booting from an external firewire drive...

if you can i'd say your drive is either faulty or software is corrupt...

if you can't its more likely to be procesor/logic board related.