need help


I can't seem to install application or update my OS. I'm currently using OSX that was updated to 10.1, but I can't seem to go beyond that.

When I try to update to 10.1.1 or higher (10.1.5), it says that I need to update my installer. When I downloaded the updated Installer 1.0, it seems to go o.k. untill I get to the hard drive icons which are ALL grayed out. It won't let me select the drive to install to.

When I try to install Photoshop, it goes fine until near the end, it says that I'm not authorized to install.

I am the original user and the admin. My computer died two days ago and I reformatted and am trying to re-install all the stuff I had. I didn't go through this the last time... what am I missing? :rolleyes:

I noticed that after my install, I don't have anything OS 9...could that be it?

well, you might need the firmware updates that were required at about that time. There were a couple of them that, if you don't have them, the system will not allow you to update. but it also sounds like you might have installer problems as well if app installation is also effected. do a site search for 'installer' and you should find several helpful threads on possible solutions.
It seems you have to install the security update first.

But be carefull. Something strange happend to me 'cause i installed the newest security update but not the older security update which was required for the installer update. I wasn't able/allowed to install the older security update > thus wasn't allowed to install the installer update > and couldn't install the os update.
Don't know why apple didn't prevent this. The best is, you use SW update instead of messing around with the installers.

When I try to install Photoshop, it goes fine until near the end, it says that I'm not authorized to install.

Check if you have the permission for the folder you want install to. Simply press apple + i > owner tab and check if you're the owner. if not simply change it.

If this doesn't work out, then log in as root (even if most MacOSXers don't recommend it) try installing photoshop from there, and use your normal account to work with it. Look around the forums if you don't know how to enable root account.

You doesn't need to format the whole system if permissions are screwed up. There is a tool (from apple I believe) which fixes corrupted permissions. Most coruptions are account based. Back up your home directory and personal files, create a new admin account, delete your old account and move the files/directories back to their place.