Need LCD Advice: 22" Cinema vs Formac 2010


I am the law!
I want to buy a new display hopefully replace the 3 CRTs that I currently use [i did have 4 at one point but my desk is a much smaller area now].

I'm not sure why anyone would buy a 22" Cinema Display over a 20.1" 2010 Formac display. The problem is, I have never seen a 2010 in person, I don't know anyone who owns one and I haven't even seen one on ebay.

The 2010 beats the cinema display in viewing angle, contrast ratio, resoltution and price.

2010 Specs:
Resolution: 1600x1200
Contrast Ratio: 500:1
Viewing Angle: 170 Degrees
Pixel Response: 10-25ms
Price: $1700

Cinema Display Specs:
Resolution: 1600x1024
Contrast Ratio: 300:1
Viewing Angle 160 Degrees
Pixel Response: unknown
Price: $2500 [but there is a 500 dollar mail in rebate, though I'm not sure I want to buy a new powermac yet]

The only other thing that kinda stinks is that the 2010 is not widescreen...I really would like to watch DVDs full screen [I'm assuming you can watch DVDs full screen on the 22" CD with no black margin].

You can buy the 2010 in either ADC or DVI. I'm not sure if there is any major advantage of ADC over DVI [i know ADC is proprietary but it runs power and USB all in one cable]. If I got the ADC one, it could potentially hurt the resale value of the display and it would also mean that I would have to buy a new graphics card for my current G4 and that I wouldn't be able to use it on a PC if I needed to.

I currently have a dual 500G4 with two 32mb Radeons. I want to get a new powermac sometime in the near future, but this rumor about the new IBM chip has me waiting for the oct 15th press conference [ for more on this chip] I don't want to buy a new one and then have this 4x faster chipset come out 6 months later :rolleyes:

Anyone have any advice? Is the Formac a good display?