Thanks Randy for your input.
I printed out your message, as well as, three articles that were linked. I will be going back to school Tuesday to try out a few things that resulted from your input.
On my computer, when you go to apple, system preference, startup disk...the only icons you see is Mac OSX, 10.4 & Network Startup. I don't have a choice of OS9 or Classic.
When you enter the harddrive, system folder, application see Classic & Classic Support. In the harddrive, there is also an Applications folder called applications(macOS9).
When you enter apple, system preferences, and in systems there is a classic Icon....when you click on that icon, you have a choice of "start classic when you login" otherwise, it says, Classic starts up when a classic application is launched.
Mac 5.0 runs great on computers with OS9.2 or OS9.2 with OSX installed on top of OS9. When you have OS10 with classic running in the background, Mac 5.0 doesn't run well.
I am willing to go as far as dumping OS10 and have only OS9.2, if that is possible.
Thanks, Oran