OK, this is definately not my area of expertise, but a website I will be working on is running at least PHP version 4.0.18 (phpMyAdmin 2.5.6?). All I need is a PHP script that will run on this web server that...
A) has a user fill out their contact info (to be sent via email, or is there another method of archiving this data?) and...
B) directs the user to a specific web page featuring PDF downloads, etc.
I'm looking for a free PHP script... would this work? Am I in the right area here?
A) has a user fill out their contact info (to be sent via email, or is there another method of archiving this data?) and...
B) directs the user to a specific web page featuring PDF downloads, etc.
I'm looking for a free PHP script... would this work? Am I in the right area here?