Need to capture analog video


I need to import some analog video into a G4 PowerMac. Whats the best solution out there? I saw that Pinnacle Dazzle Hollywood DV Bridge got awful reviews. Anybody recommend anything else? Video Capture cards? Another analog->digital bridge?
A couple of places you could probably check for reviews would be C|Net and MacWorld.
If you have a digital video camera, most support pass-through mode. This allows you to use the camera as your converter, both in and out.

If you're into spending money, which it seems like you might be, consider this route (unless you need really highend stuff). It works, plus, you get the camera with it. You need to consider how often you will need the converter...if it isn't really that often, maybe a digital video camera is more economical in the long run.

If I had known this when I bought my $400 Formac DV converter 2 years ago, I would have spent the money on a DV cam instead.

Hope that helps.

Or even if the digital camera doesn't support pass-through, as long as you can record into it, you can then go back and capture from the new tape. I do this all the time with my DV deck. If it's something archive-worthy, you're going to want it on digital tape anyway.
If your camera doesn't have a Firewire port, borrow one that does. Simple and free.