Needed iTunes Improvements


Flaccid Member
With the release of QuickTime 6 and the hot new audio format AAC, an iTunes update is inevitable. I'd like to see suggestions of updates you'd like to see made to iTunes.
I'd like to be able to drag a folder containing MP3's (or AAC's) and drop it onto the playlist window creating a new playlist containing the enclosed files automatically. As it is I am forced to create a new playlist, name the playlist then place the files into my newly created playlist. This would sure save me alot of hassle.
I'd like to see a built-in music editor that can edit mp3s and AIFFs and mp4s and AACs, etc. with lots of special effects and such
I would like to see a button on the delete comfirmation dialog that would let me trash the mp3 file on the HD as well as removing it from the Library. It can't be all that hard to do.
iTunes will delete the mp3 file from your HD if the mp3 resides within the iTunes music folder. You can designate this folder in iTunes's preferences. This will only work if you are deleting the mp3 from the library. Deleting it from a playlist will only remove the mp3 from THAT playlist.

Downloading tip: Download your mp3's into a folder inside of your designated iTunes folder. That way when you listen to the newly downloaded mp3 and decide it sucks or has a defect, you can delete it from within iTunes without having to go locate it on your hard drive. Make sense?
I am hoping for easier to use skinning. I have tried the hacks for the interface but they are somewhat hard to use.
Skins would be very kewl!

I would also like to be able to assign visuals to each song in much the same way you can assign equalizer levels.
There are so many...
1.When you click a mp3 that opens in iTunes, the song only plays and does not remain in the Library, adding to additional replicas which give you a false idera of the song count.

2.For some reason a few of my mp3 discs are not both X and Mac OS 9 compatible. One may play the songs, the other can't find them in the playlist made from that CD. I have to delete them and place them all over, so now I have 2 seperate iTunes files, but in a earlier version, i used just one for both OSs.

3.It should be able to know that songs on discs are not found because that disc is not inserted.

4.The ability to jump between playlist with random play, although i guess thats what the Library file is for, but if i have multiple mp3 discs, only 2 can be inserted in my 2 drives.

5.Cotrol in the menu bar, which can be turned on and off, and I can see the artist name scrolling up there. I hate using the dock to change songs.

6.A slide show for the music to play to, After Effects has a plugin that allows you to animate images to music.

7.Ability to reorganize the shuffle list, soundjam allows this.

Ok, I got a little carried away, just a few of my ideas. THE SORY!!!!!
i would like to burn the built-in crossfading into the disc, but still keep the indexing intact.
i'd like to be able to delete a song from the playlist, and have the option to delete it from the library/my hd as well. all my downloaded/new music goes into a 'new' folder, and if it sucks, i have to delete it from there, jot it down, and delete it from my library afterwards... what a pain.

it'd also be nice to select all of my mp3s and click "convert to mp4/aac". it would then ask me if i want to keep the originals ^_^.

hire Mr. Geiss to port Geiss and MilkDrop to Mac.

apple should make another app that can do base-level mp3 editing (without screwing with the wav files. well, i don't want to KNOW i'm screwing with a wave file).

Jam does all the cross-fading burning stuff, so i doubt itunes will develop that.

a 'random playlist generator' would be cool. just click "create random playlist" and it will create a 120 minute playlist out of songs in your library for burning.

i'll come up with some more bloated things later. ^_^
When I opened the Info Window in iTunes 1, I could press Command-RightArrow or Command-LeftArrow to jump to Next/Previous track. iTunes won't do this on my computer. :( So I'd like this to come back,

As well as a SUPER EXCELLENT function: if you check the Super Excellent function box, when you import a track called "Toast - Like a Breakfast", iTunes makes "Toast" the artist and "Like a Breakfast" the title. :)
Originally posted by xaqintosh
I'd like to see a built-in music editor that can edit mp3s and AIFFs and mp4s and AACs, etc. with lots of special effects and such
that'd be well useful for songs with giant outros that you cant skip.
An outro is like an intro — but it comes at the end of the song.

I totally agree with toast, it would be very usefull if we could at least "crop" our mp3's in the next version.
Originally posted by bigbadbill
An outro is like an intro — but it comes at the end of the song.

I totally agree with toast, it would be very usefull if we could at least "crop" our mp3's in the next version.
well put (both points) some bands put extra bits like outtakes or burping contests on the end of the last track, which is funny the first time but not when you just want to hear the song
An editor that could be used for trimming and splitting tracks would be useful for those "hidden track" things on the last track on a disc.
I'd really like a preference so that volume on all songs was consistent.

I'd also like this to carry into burned CDs.


as for the random playlist generator, you can find one here:
(for some reason it is not on versiontracker)

Currently it only works with the library, but the author said he's looking into using a playlist as a source.

Also, currently you can only set the playlist size in terms of number of tracks (not that usefull) and size (great for MP3 CDs). The author said he is planning on implementing setting the playlist time lenght (great for audio CDs) very soon!
actually, you can edit with, i'll explain.

say for example that i have a cd with a single track that is 3:00 in length. now, say that i want to edit it so that it starts at 0:05, and ends at 2:55. i highlight that track on the cd, and then open up the info window (cmd-i). click over to the options tab, and i can then adjust where the song starts/stops with the start/stop time input areas, which are below the volume adjustment. i edit my start/stop times, rip the track, and then viola, i have an mp3 that is now only 2:50 in length.

and i believe that you can do this to mp3's as well....edit the start/stop times, and then use the Advanced menu to convert to'll get a copy that is edited this way....i think, it's been awhile since i did this.

it's not the most intuitive way to edit, but it does work...

:edit: some of my info was contradictory, sorry.
yeah, but that's not really editing, I meant like a sound studio or amadeus kind of thing, to actuall edit the songs, like a graphics editor for sound