needing help with SimpleSpeechRecExample code


Greetings mac developer community!
First, its a relief to see many clear answers here on this board; thanks for reading this - you didnt have to! Now my question, beginning with my problem: i've tried all I know how to do with languages to change the example code in "SimpleSpeechRecExample" (part of the developer's package that comes with os 10.2) into a new desired form with no luck. Here's what Im trying to make happen:

1 words/phrases are recognized from mic from a list of words(how SimpleSpeechRec currently works)
2 words/phrases detected are stored in a variable (right? yikes)
3 variable loads specific tiff or jpeg to a 10x10 window from hd

An example of these changes would be someone saying "cat", cat being detected, and then in window "cat.tiff" would load from the hd.
I am really stuck here, and any kind of code example/hint would be of utmost help! Can anyone help me figure this thing out?

thanks much
Another bit of sample code you might want to look at in the developer tools is the cocoa-java tutorial for a Celsius-Farenheit converter. I seem to remember it had a few different images stored as tiffs, and would substitute these into an image placeholder according to the temperature entered, so as to show a thermometer going from icy to steaming hot.

You'll find it in Developer/Documentation/Cocoa/JavaTutorial/

You should be able to adapt this idea for your project.