.NET Passport: deleting accounts from log-in drop-down


I know that it is possible in Windows, but for Mac OSX (10.4.8) how do I delete some of the (email address) accounts from the .NET Passport log-in drop-down list that I go through to sign on to MSN Messenger?

(I don't want to close the accounts, I just want them off this list for privacy)

Try moving the MSN Preferences File located in /Users/<you>/Library/Preferences to the desktop. This may completely reset MSN messenger, though.

You could also use Adium, which many Mac users prefer, and which may solve your problem.
Ah, thanks eric, but before I saw your response I found a solution at this google group forum thing... HERE

there are three files which you have to delete in user/library/preferences/microsoft

1: com.microsoft.Messenger.plist
2: com.microsoft.MessengerDaemon.plist
3: Microsoft Messenger User Cache (they said MSN, but my file said Microsoft)

Unfortunately you have to go through first use set up afterwards, and it seems to take all your Messenger folder settings away, and I'm wondering if I lost a contact or two. Maybe not.

I was trying to delete the individual names, but couldn't figure out how to edit the .plist file in outliner and save it as .plist or edit in text edit and make any sense of how much I should cut out of the wall of gibberish surrounding the email addressess. Can a clever person tell me?
