NetInfo Configuration?


I've installed an OSX version of cisco's VNC client s/w, so that I can open a secure connection from home to my company's LAN via the cisco firewall we have there. So far, so good.
However, I can't seem to 'see' any of the internal hosts (via hostname or IP address). I don't think this is a VNC problem, but possibly a NetInfo config issue.
I know nothing about NetInfo but someone suggested that be the place to start looking, since putting IP address to hostname mappings into the /etc/hosts file didn't help and apparently, OSX doesn't look there anyway.
Make sense? Anyone help?
to set OSX to use the files in /etc instead of netinfo, and make it more compatible with a traditional UNIX, do this:
cd /etc
 mkdir lookupd
 cd lookupd
 {If any files exist, make copies of them using the cp command.}
 echo LookupOrder CacheAgent FFAgent NIAgent DNSAgent YPAgent NILAgent > hosts

then reboot.

before you do that, you should probably dump a few of your netinfo databases into the flat files, eg:
nidump . passwd > /etc/passwd

passwd is the important one. you won t be able to login if you don t get that one. there might be a few others to get too...

hope this helps