NetInfo Manager and nibindd


I am not able to use the NetInfo Manager in the manner it seems to have been intended. I was following the instructions in the book "Mac OS X Unleashed" for creating an LPR printer that can be used from the terminal command line (p.909ff). When I finish modifying the NetInfo database, using the NetInfo Manager GUI, I select "Restart All NetInfo Domains on Local Host" from the Options menu and get the following error message: "Can't find process ID for 'nibindd'!" No wonder...the nibindd daemon does not exist.

I have consulted Apple's support database and the MacOSX and MacNN user forums, found a few mentions of the problem, but no explanation, workaround, or fix for this problem. Can anybody offer more information and/or pointers, please? Thanks.

[PS: I am surprised that there isn't more mention of the problem. Perhaps it is an indication of just how few people are using the unfamiliar NetInfo Manager to "customize" their computer's resources.]
This is (at least in my opinion) a combination of a bug in NetInfo Manager and the fact you are running only a local NetInfo domain. You can do the restart successfully by running
sudo /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Resources/restart-NetInfo
This script, when it doesn't see nibindd running, will do the right thing and have the other daemons reset. Unfortately, NetInfo Manager seems to not have this fallback ability.
nibindd is only running if you are serving out a domain that isn't /local.
I had seen this suggestion elsewhere. It doesn't work for me. The script seems to run (it registers "Mar 28 22:39:32 localhost lookupd[219]: Caught SIGHUP - reset" on the console). But immediately afterwards, there is no nibindd process running. Furthermore, Netinfo Manager still complains about not finding the nibindd process when I try a "restart" from the NetInfo Manager GUI.

Any other suggestions?