I have a few machines here at home all with their own static IP addresses. To make these easier to access I assigned names to these machines to the /machines/ branc of NetInfo Manager.
I've already figured out that Classic applications can't see these names, but that is not part of this question...
I noticed that these entries sometimes worked and sometimes did not. It tool me a while to realize that they were CaSe sensitive. consequently an entry of could not be accessed as
Is this normal NetInfo Manager behivor, or should it be case insensitive like DNS is?
(I have already submitted this feedback to Apple as a bug, but I'm just curious what you all think...)
I've already figured out that Classic applications can't see these names, but that is not part of this question...
I noticed that these entries sometimes worked and sometimes did not. It tool me a while to realize that they were CaSe sensitive. consequently an entry of could not be accessed as
Is this normal NetInfo Manager behivor, or should it be case insensitive like DNS is?
(I have already submitted this feedback to Apple as a bug, but I'm just curious what you all think...)