Network problems


My office servers have been upgraded. However since we are based in Amsterdam, until we are fully organised our web services are going through London's connection by going through a proxie.

Now on OS9 this is not a problem. People can access there hotmail accounts, buy things, Chat programs etc.

However I'm running X, and none of these services work on my machine ((((.

I can get basic web/net service but thats it.

Can anyone help me please!!!
Go to the Proxies tab of the Network Preference Pane and enter all of the info you did under OS 9...


  • network_proxies.jpg
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Thanks, Ive already used that. Hence I can get Web access.

It just seems strange that I can't get even access to my .mac account, or hotmail and that OS9 clients can
You may have to put your setting in your Internet Proxies! Under the Secure Proxies area. I had to use the Tunnel meathod to get thru. That is what I had to do.
I am assuming you have a firewall.