Network shared Dymo printer not found



I am unsuccessfully trying to install Dymo software for a Labelwriter 330 that is connected to another computer on the network.

The Mac is running 10.3.9 and is on a Windows SBS 2003 network with many other pcs. I dl'd the latest Dymo print driver for mac, rebooted, installed the dymo software, rebooted.

My problem occurs when I try to add the printer from the Add Printer wizard on the Mac. I am able to browse to the correct PC on the network and select the shared printer. However, after doing so, Dymo Labelwriter does not appear on the list of Printer Types. I select Generic as the type and try to run the installed Labelwriter software. I immediately get an error stating that no Dymo printer was found and the software shuts down.

Any help would be appreciated.
You cannot use a shared printer with a USB driver. The manufacturer supports your printer on the Mac only for a direct connection. To use it as a networked printer, you will need a CUPS driver. The Labelwriter 330 is not yet explicitly supported. The Labelwriter 320's driver is reported to work perfectly. It might work with your printer. You can find it here.
Thank you for the speedy reply MisterMe. I'm a pc admin stuck trying to make one lone Mac work on our network and it's bringin me down. Why can't these two just get along?! :?

I'll try installing the 320 onto the Mac and see what happens.
