Networking: nothing seems to work as described

I really need help with setting up a network.

First, I should mention that when I address the router it does display all three of my computers, so they are connected. They are cabled together, no wireless used.

I got thru all of the basic setup routines so that I was able to "see" a shared file in my other (XP) computer. But my other computer (a Dell using XP) does not "see" any files in my Mac. And by the way, I cannot find the folder that appeared (magically) on my desktop where I was able to view the folder in the Dell computer.

Oh, a Mac G5 using OS X.

The networking instructions I am trying to follow reads as follows: "....turn on 'Windows Sharing' in the Mac's Sharing Preference Pane and enable each of the user accounts that you'd like to be able to share. The new Mac should appear as a member of your workgroup when you browse your network."


I am without a clue as to how to turn on Windows Sharing, etc. I did, as I mentioned, use the sharing control under the Sharing Control folder under Networking in the preferences window, and turned on:
Personal File Sharing
Windows Sharing
Printer Sharing

but that does not enable each of the user accounts. In windows I right click on a folder I want to share and a hand appears under it. How do I do that in the Mac?

I am really frustrated, and haven't tackled the printer sharing yet.

Is there a text someplace describing this?

MacOS X shares files in the shared user directory. If you want to share files in other directories, then you have to use a third-party utility named Sharepoints. You can also access files belonging to any account on the computer that you have access to.
Once you enable Windows Sharing (as you have done), open a new Finder window (hold down the Apple key and press N), click on the Network icon. Wait a bit and the Windows Machine should show up.

You need to know what "Workgroup" the Windows machine is in. You'd need to know this if you were trying to network two Windows machines, too BTW. You should be able to find and configure this stuff under in the Control Panel.

Please post again if you're still having trouble. Good luck.
