Networking Windwos XP and Mac OS X


I have a Mac OS X machine and a Windows XP machine. What are the steps needed to network them? I can already get them both on the Internet via my network hub and cable modem. However, I want to be able to see the hard drives of both machines in My Computer and in the Finder for file sharing. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
There are lots of different ways you can achieve this, and this will be easier with the 10.2 release of OS X. For now though, I would suggest you download the Samba sharing package installer from version tracker.
Then, to let your mac drives appear on your PC, set up Samba using the samba sharing preference pane. You'll find plenty of instructions included.
To let your mac access your PC, set up file and print sharing on your PC, then on your mac, go to Go -> Connect to Server.
You'll need to enter the address for your XP machine, as well as the share-name of the drive or folder you've chosen to share. This can be done by IP address, like this:
or by machine and workgroup name:

You'll find plenty more info here if you search under 'Samba'. There are other methods, such as the commercial app "Dave", which also allows you to share printers.